True Senna

Scientific Name: Senna alexandrina

Arabic name(s): السَّنَا / السَّنَامَكي

English name(s): True Senna

Growth form: True senna "Sanna" is a perennial herbaceous under-shrub.

Order: Fabales

Family: Fabaceae

Genus: Senna Mill.

Species: Senna alexandrina Mill.

Citation in the Quran:

The word Sanna is not mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.

Citation in the Hadit:

Narrated by Umm Salamah: the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said: “what I see you sick?”, I said, I drank a drug for laxative , He said: “what is it?”, I said As-Shubrum, he said: “what you and Shubrum?”, He said: “it’s hot , tack sanna and Sanout, they healing for all diseases except death” Sahih Sunaan Ibn Majah.

Habitat & Distribution:

Senna grows naturally at the deserts of the Arabian peninsula and North Africa particularly on more compact on gravelly and rocky areas.

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